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PCI in the Elderly

Roundtable discussion focusing on the PCI in the Elderly. Recorded at the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS) "Advanced Cardiovascular Intervention (ACI 2017)" meeting, London 2017

Overview of the management of AF

Prof Roby Rakhit, Consultant Cardiologist, at the Royal Free Hospital, provides GPs with an overview of the management of AF. Dr Rakhit talks about his approach to managing anticoagulation, balancing the risk of stroke with that of haemorrhage. Video filmed by in partnership with Essentially Medical.

Overview of the management of Syncope

Prof Roby Rakhit, Consultant Cardiologist, at the Royal Free Hospital, provides GPs with an overview of syncope. Dr Rakhit talks about his approach to ascertaining the cause of the symptoms presented and importantly how to sort those symptoms that cause GPs the most concern. Video filmed by in partnership with Essentially Medical.

In the press



Teach pupils heart massage to save lives after cardiac arrest

Evening Standard; August 2013; Ross Lydall, Health Editor

Two leading doctors today called for schoolchildren to be taught heart massage to save Londoners dying from cardiac arrest... 


The wrist operation that can save you from a heart attack..

Mail Online October 2011; Pat Hagen

Every year in the UK, more than 70,000 NHS patients undergo coronary angioplasty, where a catheter is steered through the groin and up towards the heart to clear blocked arteries... 


Royal Free Unit is a first

Hendon and Finchley Times, October 2007; Miriam Craig

A PIONEERING unit for heart attack and stroke patients opening at the Royal Free next month will be the first of its kind in the country, the hospital announced today.
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Heart of the Matter..

Royal Free Hospital News; July 2007

"I nearly died last year,” said John Lloyd, an editor at the Financial Times and a former cardiac patient at the Royal Free…


Winning the battle against heart disease...

Royal Free Hospital News; February 2010

The fight against heart disease is making great strides thanks to lifestyle changes and important advances in treatments, according to Royal Free consultant cardiologist Dr Roby Rakhit

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