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As Honorary Professor at University College London (UCL) Medical School, Prof Rakhit is responsible for the training of undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors specialising in cardiology
As a Professor at University College London (UCL) Medical School, Prof Rakhit is responsible for the training of undergraduate medical students, cardiology trainee doctors specialising and was the recipient of the UCL ‘Top Teacher Award’ in recognition of his contribution to undergraduate teaching. He lectures widely to allied health professionals, medical students, general practitioners, physicians and cardiologists in training. He regularly provides consultant –led GP teaching to GP trainees and established practices.
He has organised regional teach-ins for cardiology for the Royal College of Physicians at national level and lectures widely at a national and international level.
He supervises the interventional training of advanced cardiology registrars (fellows) at the Royal Free Hospital and has also trained a number of overseas fellows. He contributes regularly to interventional training programmes at a local and national level. He has successfully supported a programme of multi-skilling the non-medical cardiac cathlab practitioners, encouraging individuals to develop complementary roles.
He regularly contributes to general practitioner teaching through workshops, seminars and lectures and is a regular speaker for Essentially Medical.