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Expert in interventional cardiology, performing PCI (coronary angioplasty and stenting) for the treatment of coronary artery disease
Specialist Interests
Prof Rakhit is an expert in interventional cardiology performing PCI (coronary angioplasty and stenting) for the treatment of coronary artery disease. The majority of his procedures are performed via the radial artery (wrist). This is a minimally invasive technique associated with fewer complications and faster patient recovery.
He has a major interest in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome (heart attack) and was instrumental in setting up the Royal Free Heart Attack Centre. This was one of the first units in the UK to provide 24/7 immediate angioplasty/stenting treatment for patients presenting with life-threatening heart attack.
He has considerable experience in advanced interventional coronary techniques including pressure wire, rotational atherectomy and intra-coronary imaging (intravascular ultrasound, and optical coherence tomography) which form part of his routine clinical practice and research expertise. He has developed an interest in cardiac CT for both diagnosis and research in coronary disease focussing on those at higher risk including diabetics and patients with familial hyperlipidaemia. He is interested in the relationship between heart disease and stroke, investigating younger patients presenting with cryptogenic (unexplained) stroke.
Prof Rakhit qualified in 1991 from Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School, Imperial College London, with a first class honours intercalated degree in pharmacology. He began his general cardiology training in 1995 as a rotating cardiology registrar (fellow) at the Hammersmith, Royal Brompton and St. Marys hospitals. In 1998, funded by the Wellcome Trust, he completed a 2 year doctorate (MD thesis) at the Rayne Institute, St.Thomas` Hospital on the cellular physiology of nitric oxide in conferring myocardial protection against ischemia. In 2000 he was awarded a prestigious British Heart Foundation International Fellowship and undertook a further 1 year period of clinical research with advanced interventional training at the Swiss Cardiovascular Centre, Bern under the supervision of Prof. Bernhard Meier.
In 2004 he was appointed as consultant cardiologist to the Royal Free Hospital & Honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London. In 2008 he was elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Elected to Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology in 2019. In 2020 he was promoted to Professor of Cardiology, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College London.
As previous Clinical Director of Cardiology and currently Divisional Director of Cardiology & Vascular Surgery at the Royal Free London NHS Trust for he has considerable experience in leadership and service development. He has also contributed nationally as member of council at the Royal College of Physicians UK.